Thursday, October 3, 2013

So it begins!

Today started my entrance into my next job, while training doesn't start until Monday I received a flurry of emails with travel information.  Which lead me to confusing phone calls about shuttles and some minor unexpected costs.

But as I enter into this new line of work, it got me thinking.  One of the reasons I took this job was because it was something so different from what I've done before and even where I see myself going.  And so I wanted to more than just create memories for myself; in a day and age when everything is recorded no matter what we do I thought why not make a record of things I actually want.

With my love of photography and DSLR, smartphones, and hopefully soon a fitbit; just might be able to share what I'm hoping will be an awesome year professionally and personally with those that might just find these ramblings and pictures interesting enough to spend a little time and share a little with me.

Bus ride into my previous job, these tunnels run under downtown Seattle.  This was the 550 on the way to Bellevue.

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